城市游轮很高兴能支持伦敦塔的一个新装置,即 "超越日益加深的阴影:伦敦塔的记忆",以纪念第一次世界大战结束一百周年。
阅读关于英国的博客,以及与City Experiences一起做的所有最好的事情!在英国寻找有趣的事情和景点。
Perhaps one of summer’s greatest memories for London was the completion of phase one of the Illuminated River—an ambitious long-term art commission on an unprecedented scale: a scheme to light central
You can’t miss the purple upside-down cow! We can explain, should you feel you’re missing something. The Underbelly Festival has a uniquely-shaped festival tent, designed to look like
London’s tanning. Or at least we hope we will. Whatever the weather (or “whatevs” as the younger ones amongst us might say), we hope you’ll have fun over the summer as well as
“Since the founding of London, the mighty Thames has been the city’s main artery, linking north and south, east and west, encouraging business, activity and recreation. But at night, the