Niagara at Night: Wine Tasting and Illumination Tower Experience
Uzman Tur Rehberleri
Yerel, arkadaş canlısı ve sevdikleri şehir konusunda uzman
Enjoy a tasting of local wines while overlooking Niagara Falls, then illuminate the falls in colours of your choosing on this unique evening experience.
Tur Programı
Neler Dahil
- This tour takes place on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.
- There is a wine tasting with the Illumination Tower experience. However, if you do not drink alcohol, there will be soft drinks and other options available.
- There is a Wego Bus that stops at the Queen Victoria Place. Metered parking is also available on the premises.
- We recommend eating dinner beforehand. Our main focus will be on tasting four local Niagara Wines with some delicious appetizers.
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