One World Observatory – Standard Admission Ticket
İkonik ve türünün tek örneği deneyimler
Get unforgettable views of Manhattan from the One World Observatory, the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere. Upon arrival, experience the Global Welcome Center, watch footage of the people who built the One World Trade Center, and see the bedrock that allows New York City
Önemli Noktalar
- Food and drinks
- Digital Skyline Guide (available for rent)
Temel Bilgiler
- Guests must be at least 17 years of age or be accompanied by an adult.
- All guests must pass through an airport-style security screening before entering.
- Storage lockers are not available.
- No luggage is allowed in the Observatory.
- The One World Observatory reserves the right to refuse entry to any article.
- Please note this is not a skip-the-line ticket, and your admission is reserved for the time and date on your ticket, latecomers may be unable to enter depending on capacity.
- Wheelchair accessible.
Nerede Buluşulacak
Kalkış Noktası/Giriş
117 West Street, New York, New York 10007 – The Observatory entrance is on the West Plaza, located alongside West Street (at the Northwest corner of the World Trade Center).
Departure Time
Entry time is selected at the time of booking.
Through September 30 will be: 10am – 9pm (last ticket sold 8:10pm).
On October 1, hours will be 10am – 7pm (last ticket sold at 6:10pm) up to the holiday season
Also note that on September 11th One World Observatory is open from 12pm- 7pm.
*Attractions operating hours and days vary, please check prior to your visit.
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Tek Dünya Gözlemevi Ne Zaman Açık?
Pazar - Cumartesi günleri sabah 9:00 - akşam 9:00 saatleri arasında açıktır. Biletler için önceden rezervasyon yapılması önemle tavsiye edilir.
Tek Dünya Gözlemevi'ni ziyaret etmek ne kadar sürer?
Kendinize en az iki ila üç saat ayırmanız önerilir.
Tek Dünya Gözlemevi kapalı alanda mı?
Evet, Tek Dünya Gözlemevi içeride.