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Aquarium of the Pacific Admission Ticket

Dive into Wonder with the Family

And Discover an Enchanting World with Underwater Magic

Take a journey of discovery through the world's largest ocean at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. Meet more than 12,000 animals and see over 100 exhibits in sunny Southern California, the frigid waters of the Northern Pacific and the colorful reefs of the Tropical Pacific

...Daha Fazla Oku

Önemli Noktalar

  • Immerse yourself in the Aquarium of the Pacific and discover sharks, jellies, sea otters, and much more
  • Explore the beauty and diversity of coral reefs and the importance of conservation
  • Discover the penguins at the June Keyes Penguin Habitat
  • Dive deeper with a virtual dive in Honda Pacific Visions Theater


  • Admission to Aquarium of the Pacific
  • Admission to Coral Reefs: Nature’s Underwater Cities Special Exhibition
  • Admission to Honda Pacific Visions Theater multi-sensory theater with interactive displays
  • Food and Drinks

Temel Bilgiler

  • This ticket is valid for one year from the purchase date.

Nerede Buluşulacak

Kalkış Noktası/Giriş

100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA

Departure Time

Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 6:00pm 

Advance reservations are required.

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Pasifik Akvaryumu'ndan geçmek ne kadar sürer?

Çoğu misafir akvaryumda yaklaşık üç saat geçirmektedir.

Pasifik Akvaryumu'nda gösteriler veya performanslar var mı?

Evet, dalış gösterileri ve hayvanlarla tanışma etkinlikleri sunuyorlar.

Pasifik Akvaryumu'nda hangi sergiler var?

Akvaryumdaki sergiler arasında Kuzey Pasifik Galerisi, Tropikal Pasifik Galerisi, Güney Kaliforniya/Baja Galerisi, Köpekbalığı Lagünü, Deniz Samuru Habitatı ve daha fazlası bulunmaktadır.