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Boston: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Unutulmaz Deneyimler

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Learn about the 35th president to the United States during a visit to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum. The museum is housed in a stunning building designed by the legendary I.M. Pei and overlooks Boston's Old Harbor. Learn about the first family while exploring the museum's

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Önemli Noktalar

  • Learn about the Kennedys' impact on the United States during a visit to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
  • Admire the striking building designed by the legendary architectural genius, I.M. Pei
  • Explore the museum's collection of memorabilia, audiovisual material, documents, and correspondence associated with JFK


  • Admission to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
  • Informational brochure

Temel Bilgiler

  • Time entry tickets are available for entry times from 10:00 am. to 2:30 pm  (timed entry ends at 2:30 pm)
  • Wheelchairs are available at the Visitor Admission Desk on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Parking is free for museum visitors.
  • The museum is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.

Nerede Buluşulacak

Kalkış Noktası/Giriş

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum - Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125

Departure Time

Thursday - Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m

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JFK Başkanlık Kütüphanesi ve Müzesi'ni gezmek ne kadar sürer?

Kendi kendine rehberli tur yaklaşık bir buçuk saat sürmektedir.

JFK Başkanlık Kütüphanesi ve Müzesi nerede bulunuyor?

Boston, Massachusetts'te yer almaktadır.

Kalıcı sergiler nelerdir?

Kalıcı sergiler arasında 1960 Başkanlık Seçimleri, John F. Kennedy'nin Göreve Başlama Töreni, Lift Off! ABD Uzay Programı, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy ve daha fazlası.