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Boston: Admission to Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum

Reenact the Revolution

Walk the Decks of the Boston Tea Party Ships

Learn about the event that forever changed United States history, the Boston Tea Party. Follow an actor in period dress who will explain all the dramatic events surrounding the event leading up to the American Revolution. Throw tea overboard into the Boston harbor just as the sons

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  • Step back in time to the event that shaped American History, the Boston Tea Party
  • Learn the dramatic details of events surrounding the Boston Tea Party from a costumed actor in period dress
  • View original artifacts including the Robinson Tea Chest, the only known surviving tea chest from the event


  • Admission to the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum
  • "Dump the Tea into the Sea" Experience
  • Fully guided tour by costumed historical interpreters
  • Gratuities
  • Food and drink


  • Optional guided tours depart every 30 minutes - available on first come, first serve basis and cannot be reserved in advance.
  • Wheelchair accessible.
  • Strollers are not permitted, stroller parking is available.

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Point / Kuingia

Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum — 306 Congress St, Boston, MA 02210-1027

Departure Time

7 days per week, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


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