It is almost time to celebrate the fathers in our lives! The great dads, fantastic role models, skilled grillers, and beer connoisseurs that we all know and love deserve a day dedicated to them. This means kids and children all over scramble to put together the best Father’s Day activities and gifts to ensure a day full of carefree fun for their own dads. Some pack their trucks until it is overflowing with camping gear, while others simply go to dad’s favorite burger joint. In the end of it all how you spend Father’s Day really does not matter as long as you spend some time with your dad or at least tell him how much you love him and appreciate everything he has done for you. So on June 15 be sure to take a moment to send your dad some extra love!

Although Father’s Day can be well spent any number of ways there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a great day. To start, all guys, including dads love food. Someone once said the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. And although you do not have to win your father’s love a few brownie points every now and then never hurt. Next, this may seem a little trivial, but he does want to spend time with all of you. Despite “secrets” around the house dads do not and never did have favorites. They loved all of you equally, and would like to be able to hang out with everyone on Father’s Day. Lastly, dads really really like beer a lot! From their Budweiser to Lagunitas IPA days their thirst for beer has only grown. If you can manage to get these three staples incorporated into your Father’s Day plan then it is smooth sailing from there.

Lucky for you Hornblower already has the perfect event set up, Father’s Day Beer Brunch and Dinner Cruises! Both of these fun cruises on Sunday, June 15 will show your dad how much you appreciate him. It includes all things dad’s love from the salty ocean breeze to free flowing beer and champagne. The whole family will be happier than ever with a gorgeous buffet spread and live entertainment. Either cruise is a win-win for both your dad and the rest of the family. So spend a day on the water with your dad and enjoy everything the yacht has to offer including some of the best views in town. Book now and you are sure to create unforgettable memories with your father!

If you’re cruising in San Francisco, Berkeley, Sacramento, Marina Del Rey, Newport Beach, San Diego, or New York we have the Father’s Day Cruise for you!

Acha Jibu

Anwani yako ya barua pepe haitachapishwa. Mashamba yanayohitajika yamewekwa alama *