Hornblower Niagara Cruises Remembers Its Canadian Heros this Remembrance Day
Категория: Круизы по Ниагаре
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On November 11 at 11am, Hornblower Niagara Cruises in Niagara Falls, Canada will stop and take a moment of silence to remember those lost but not forgotten and who once fought for country and freedom. Read more to learn about Remembrance Day in Canada…
Travelling to Canada soon? You might want to read this as it will have you booking your plane ticket to Niagara Falls, Canada a lot faster. Let your adventure in Niagara Falls, Canada begin with Hornblower Niagara Cruises. Interested? We know you are. Read more…
Time flies when you are having fun in Niagara Falls, Canada! This is exactly what type of year Hornblower Niagara Cruises had…. a very fun and exciting first season operating Canada’s famous boat tour. Thank you’s sometimes don’t say enough, so just in case, have a peek at our thank you video. Read more…
Looking for more fun? More excitement? Hornblower Niagara Cruises, in Niagara Falls, Canada has extended its operating season for 2014. Learn more about Hornblower Niagara Cruises Canada’s boat tour operator to Niagara Falls. Learn more about the extended season….
All hands were on deck this past weekend when members of the Hornblower Niagara Cruises team from Niagara Falls, Canada participated in the City of Niagara Falls ‘Clean Sweep’ event. Learn more about the event and Hornblower Niagara Cruises community efforts….
Hornblower Co., CEO & President, Terry MacRae was recently awarded the Anatasia K. Mann Leadership Award in San Francisco, California. Hornblower Niagara Cruises, Statue Cruises and Alcatraz Cruises are just some of MacRae’s accomplishments. Learn more about this prestigious award…
Dress to impress for a free boat ride on Hornblower Niagara Cruises, in Niagara Falls, Canada! Come dressed in your most creative Halloween costume and experience Niagara’s newest boat tour experience for FREE! P.S Your kids will love you even more!
The poncho. A very important piece of attire we encourage every guest to take when boarding our Niagara Cruises boat tours. Standing only 80 ft away from a world famous natural wonder it is a definite yes that you WILL get wet from the mist. How you wear your poncho is up to you. Find out how some of the unique ways our guests have sported their attire when boarding the boats. Read more…
Thanksgiving, a holiday where eating until you falls asleep is accepted. This holiday season awaken your senses and feel re-energized after or before your holiday family feast. Experience a world wide natural wonder on board our daytime ‘Voyage to the Falls’ boat tour. Read more if your thinking Niagara Falls, Canada this Thanksgiving (we know you are!) Read more…
Bejing based artist, Ai Weiwei is world famous artist who’s work is currently being featured at one of the world’s most famous prisons, Alcatraz. The creative artwork was transported to the island by boats by Hornblower Niagara Cruises sister company, Alcatraz Cruises. The artwork will be display from September 2014 through April 2015. Experience the beauty of his work and history that dates back 81 years. Read more….
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