Whale Sightings 05/12/23 to 06/01/23 Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 05/12/23 to 06/01/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour in partnership with the New England Aquarium.
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Good Afternoon and Happy start to the beginning of Whale Watching!!!!
With much anticipation for the start of the season, the Aurora headed out into the unknown towards the Northwest Corner of Stellwagen Bank. We were met with gorgeous conditions, glassy seas, and no swell. We quickly spotted the blow from a small humpback whale! This whale looked very tiny, and we have yet to identify this mysterious mysticete. Moving on, we saw a lunging Nile from the distance. Numerous gulls flew by as this humpback fed, taking advantage of all the fish in the water.
We soon moved on as we saw a breaching calf in the distance! We got to see this little whale launch its body out of the water, drawing another nearby adult humpback in. In what could not be a more perfect start to the season – this mom and calf pair was none other than Dross and her 2023 calf!!!! Dross is one of the naturalists’ favorite whales, as she is one of the most consistent humpbacks we see each season. Dross and calf seemed to be quite curious of the boat and kept popping up either side of our vessel – giving everyone fantastic looks at this adorable mom and calf pair
Throughout the trip we had seen a scattering of gray seals, but towards the end of our time on the bank we were shocked to see a group of over 100 gray seals at the surface. From a distance, this massive group almost looked like a pod of dolphins, swimming and diving through the water. These massive seals (males can get over 800 pounds) were everywhere and it was honestly such a cool experience to see such a huge gathering! In my three years as a naturalist, I have never seen this many seals in such a large group.
What a wonderful way to start the season!!!
10:00 и 14:30 Наблюдение за китами
Привет всем!
Today aboard the Aurora, the 10am whale watch made its way out towards the northwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of whales and other marine life. We spotted a few blows as we entered the area. These blows happened to be a group of three humpback whales consisting of Pleats, Dross, and Dross 23 calf! This sleepy trio were relaxing on the surface which allowed us to get some great looks at them. Pleats ended up breaking off from Dross and her calf, but she gave us a very beautiful fluking dive before leaving. We spent the rest of the time with a sleepy Dross and her calf. We also got some great looks at several grey seals and a minke whale before we headed back to Boston.
The 2:30pm whale watch made its way to the same area in hopes of another successful trip. We were pleased to see Dross and her calf had awakened from their late morning slumber. Dross was lunging at the surface, and she even lunged right next to the boat! Her calf was never too far away from mom, learning as much as it can. The calf then erupted out of the water doing a near full body breach! The calf breached again, then did a chin slap! These two settled down shortly after this, but they came up very close to the boat a few times! Dross gave us one last lunge before we had to head back to Boston. It was so great to be back on the water!
До следующего раза,
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Good evening whale-watchers!
The 10am whale watched headed out on the Asteria and was greeted by some strong swells. After a bit of searching with our hearty group of passengers, we spotted the blows from two whales! We came upon the pair Entropy 22 Calf and Springboard 15 Calf. This pair was incredibly curious of our boat, exhibiting a behavior called “mugging.” They would both continuously pop-up on all sides, surfacing right next to our vessel. The younger whale, only a little more than a year old, showed off juvenile-aged curiosity, rolling and approaching the Asteria again and again.
After some great looks at these individuals, we headed back to Boston!
Кейт и Эшлин
14:30 Наблюдение за китами
Good evening all!
It gives me great joy to send out my first whale sightings email of the season! We boarded the Asteria for the 2:30pm whale watch and took a southerly course to Stellwagen Bank. Upon arriving just south of the shipping lanes, we stumbled upon what felt like hundreds of grey seals! In reality, about 40-50 cruised around the area, some stopping by to check out the vessel and strange looking bipedals onboard. Soon, we found at least four distinct groups of humpback whales, in groups of 2-4. We first spotted Tobaggan, who gave us a beautiful close approach before taking a dive. We then came across a group of three well known females, Bolide, Eruption, and Jabiru! This trio took short dives, as they were subsurface feeding, and enabled us some wonderfully close approaches. A second group consisted of what I’m informally dubbing the class of 2014- Boutonniere, Crinkle, Ganesh 14 calf, and Spell! Most of these whales were calves that year, and we usually see them in similar groupings in the spring, which is always very interesting! They made several close approaches, before diving down and allowing us a last look at an old friend- Milkweed! It was truly awesome to see so many familiar flukes, and I can’t wait to get back out there!
Флюксы вверх!
Ashlyn and Kate
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день!
We enjoyed a smooth ride to the Northwest corner aboard the Asteria for the 10 a.m. whale watch. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a familiar fluke and a new one, the delightful duo of Dross and her brand new 2023 calf! They were taking a bit of a snooze when we arrived, cruising along under the spring sun. Soon though, our favorite lady decided it was time for lunch, and began an epic display of vertical and side lunges! We were able to see amazing views of her ventral pleats, watching her explosive movements from below the surface. The newest member of her lineage tagged behind, sometimes mimicking mom by blowing bubbles and attempting to surface forcefully. After our friends from 7 Seas whale watch joined, we left Dross and calf with them to check out some other whales in the area. We stumbled upon Rapier and Striation, both kick feeding in their own unique ways. We stuck with Rapier, who was also engaging in some serious lunging activity, allowing us some more insight into humpback whale power. We even stumbled upon a very disoriented herring, clearly prey for our blubbery friends. A smattering of grey seals lined the area, and as we cruised west we once again stumbled across the spunkiest baby now engaging in some tail breaching! As Dross was nowhere to be seen, we joked that the calf must be seeking attention, but soon mom picked up feeding again, with baby splashing alongside her. All in all, it was a spectacular day on Stellwagen Bank, and I certainly can’t wait to be back out there!
Флюксы вверх!
Ashlyn and Kate
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день,
The 10am whale watch headed out on the Asteria to the Northwest corner of Stellwagen Bank. Before even arriving to the bank, we were pleased to spot the blow of a single humpback. We were thrilled to find the familiar fluke of Etch-a-Sketch!!! Etch-a-Sketch is one of our fan favorites, as we see her very consistently year after year. We watched her blow bubble clouds and defecate around the vessel – a great sign that our whale is busy feeding! We then moved on to another familiar whale – Diablo, who was taking short dives. Both of these whales have not been seen yet this season, so it was awesome to see them this early on!
Kate, David, and Kaitlyn
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день,
Today aboard the Aurora we spent time exploring mid-bank and the NW corner of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. On the middle of the bank we found a minke whale, and then made our way to the NW corner where we found a total of 4-5 humpback whales spread out subsurface feeding. We first found Diablo making lots of stealthy turns and the surface, indicating she was probably foraging have different patches of prey. We also spotted Etch-a-sketch, along with another distance pair. We wrapped up with a female named Tongs, who was doing some bubble cloud feeding and even pooped a few times at the surface (the brown color showed that she was feeding on fish). We also spotted gannets, gulls, and loons!
A great day on the water,
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день,
On the 10am whale watch, the Asteria cruised out to Stellwagen Bank in search of whales. Our first encounter was with a humpback whale named Scylla. Scylla was busy blowing bubble clouds and feeding throughout our time with her. We got some incredible looks at her bubble clouds and fluke before moving to another area with reported whale sightings. Our second encounter was with Measles, another humpback whale. Just like Scylla, Measles appeared to be feeding using bubble clouds. We watched Measles surface in multiple bubble clouds before slowly making our way back to Boston. It was a fantastic day on Stellwagen Bank!
До следующего раза,
Eman, Colin, and Josiah
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Happy Thursday Whale Watchers,
Today the Aurora headed through the northwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of wildlife. As we approached our destination, we were greeted by the solo spout of a Humpback Whale. Upon closer inspection, it was a female named Scylla, a favorite on Stellwagen! She was taking short dives, which allowed us some phenomenal looks at her. After several views of Scylla, we decided to go exploring a little further. It was not long before we encountered two more Humpback Whale spouts, one big and one small. It was another Boston favorite, Dross with her young calf! It was a delight to see Dross with a calf so soon, as she had her last calf only two years ago. Dross repeatedly fluked nice and high (as is her specialty), while her calf stayed close by. Before we said goodbye to them, the calf rolled around next to us, showing us its flippers and belly. It was a remarkable sight! With time dwindling, we reluctantly said goodbye to our whales and headed back to Boston. A great day on the water!
До следующего раза!
David, Kate & Indi
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Good afternoon!!
The Asteria headed out on the 10am whale watch towards the middle region of Stellwagen Bank. We first found the humpback Scylla, who was busy blowing bubble clouds around the vessel. After a few non-fluking dives, we headed north towards a flurry of bird activity. In between diving gannets, we found a small minke whale feeding. Traveling a little farther north, we found the blow of a fin whale! We haven’t spent much time with any fin whales this season, so it was great to get a chance to see the second largest animal on earth! We wrapped up our trip with Shuffleboard and her 2023 calf. This is our first time seeing this pair!!!!! We had a bit of wind and swell towards the end of the trip, and it was cute to see the calf “ride” the waves at the surface.
Kate, David, and Josiah
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Привет всем,
Today aboard the Aurora, the 12pm whale watch made its way to the northwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of whales and other marine life. As we approached the area, we spotted a pair of blows. This turned out to be a humpback whale mother and calf pair consisting of Shuffleboard and her 2023 calf! These two were spending a lot of time at the surface, and they seemed very interested in our boat! They came up close to the boat several times, and even swam under us a few times! We were able to get some fabulous looks at mom and her adorable calf. The calf was even rolling around in the waves which was a cute sight to see. After a beautiful fluking dive from Shuffleboard, we made our way over to another blow in the area. This turned out to be a very large fin whale! This particular individual was spending a lot of time at the surface, so we were able to get some tremendous looks at it! After this fin whale went for a dive we had to make our way back to Boston. It was a fintastic day out on Stellwagen Bank!
До следующего раза,
Colin and Indi
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Good evening whale-watchers!
The 10am whale watch headed north on the Asteria towards the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. We were happy to spot multiple whales in the area and first spent our time with the fabulous pair – Nile and Scylla. These large females were spending a lot of time at the surface, taking short dives and feeding around the vessel. Nile even erupted in a massive lunge right in front of our boat!! We got fantastic looks as she crashed down into the water – pleats expanded and fish flying! Shortly after, Nile and Scylla exchanged a round of trumpeting blows and Nile erupted in a large tail flick. The next surfacing, these lovely ladies had split up and separated. We then moved on to the single humpback, Measles. We watched this whale blow a large bubble cloud and lunge, before heading back to Boston.
Kate, Eman, and Anjali
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Привет всем,
Today aboard the Aurora, the 12pm whale watch made its way out towards the northwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of whales and other marine life. The wind and rain did not hinder us as we spotted a blow from the distance. This blow came from Nile the humpback! She was taking 5-7 minute dives and moving around a bit, but we were still able to get some fabulous looks at her. After watching her for a little while, we decided to go for a ride. After some searching, we stumbled upon Tongs the humpback. Tongs was taking shorter dives, and she was not moving as much so we got some really amazing looks at her. She even came up next to the boat a few times! After a beautiful fluking dive from her we had to head back to Boston. It ended up being a really fantastic day out on the water!
Colin, Indi, and Josiah
14:30 Наблюдение за китами
Good evening whale watchers,
Today on the 2:30pm whale watch, the Asteria braved the rain in search of whales. We were delighted to find two trios on the southern portion of Stellwagen Bank. The first group we watched included Eruption, Pele, and Jabiru. We happily watched them take short dives and with consistent time at the surface throughout the area. They gave us multiple incredible fluking dives before we moved on to the next trio of whales. The second group included some familiar favorites: Venom, Milkweed, and Bolide. These three whales were moving around the area, taking short dives. They spent a several moments at the surface, giving us absolutely beautifullooks at them! As we headed back to Boston, we got a bonus look at our first group of whales (Pele, Jabiru, and Eruption).
До следующего раза,
Eman, Kate, and Anjali
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день!
On the 10am whale watch, a very hearty group of passengers faced swells and wind and headed out to Stellwagen Bank. After a bit of searching, we were thankful to find multiple blows in the Southwest Corner and spent our time with seven humpbacks! These whales were in multiple groups and kept forcefully exploding to the surface before fluking down to dive, giving us spectacular looks. These groups were taking very short dives, and usually no more than a minute passed with a whale not at the surface. Our group of three included Bolide, Milkweed, and Venom – who have been seen in a consistent association the last few days. We also got to see the pair Eruption and Pele, who dove at our boat numerous times. Finally, we had a second mystery pair of whales who exhibited curiosity towards the Asteria, approaching our vessel and popping up right off the starboard side!
What a great way to end the day!
Kate and Kaitlyn
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день!
The 10am whale watch faced swells and wind aboard the Asteria and made our way out to the southern section of Stellwagen Bank. We were met by some familiar flukes – and spent our time with the association of Milkweed, Venom, and Bolide and the pair Pele and Eruption. Like the past few days, these whales were diving on all sides of the vessel and spending a lot of time at the surface. Pele and Eruption kept approaching our boat, diving towards us, and eventually showing up on the opposite side. We also saw the individual whale, Buckshot 22 Calf, in the midst of all the activity! This is the first time this smaller whale has been spotted this season, and it’s great to see a calf from last year show up healthy! Finally, we spotted at least thirty gray seals throughout our trip. These gray seals were constantly surrounding our boat and always gave us something to look at – even when the whales were down for dives.
As we began to turn back to Boston, we were ecstatic to see a TRIPLE BREACH off our port side!!! Venom, Milkweed, and Bolide erupted in a succession of massive breaches one after another. I have never seen a triple breach before, and it was thrilling to see these massive whales launch their bodies out of the water. On an interesting note, we got word that another whale had breached about five miles away – right before our trio of whales breached. It’s intriguing to think if these incidents were connected and if these large whales could have been communicating with each other over many miles.
What an absolutely fantastic way to end our whale watch!
Kate and Anjali
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Привет всем,
Today aboard the Aurora, the 12pm whale watch made its way out towards the southwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of whales and other marine life. The wind and waves did not deter us, and after a bit of searching we saw several blows in the distance. We came across several groups of humpback whales scattered across the area. We mainly spent time with a pair of humpback whales consisting of Eruption and Pele. This group was spending a lot of time at the surface, so we were able to get some fantastic looks at them. The pair even came up right off our bow! The stars of todays trip were several curious grey seals who kept coming up close to the boat. They were just as curious of us as we were of them! After some great looks at the seals, and some beautiful fluking dives from Eruption and Pele, we had to make our way back to Boston. It was a great day out on Stellwagen Bank!
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Good afternoon whale watchers,
We journeyed to the southern portion of Stellwagen Bank aboard the Aurora on the 10am whale watch. We got some incredible views of Provincetown and the Pilgrim Monument as we searched for our baleen friends. After searching a good portion of the Bank, we stumbled upon six whales in two groups of three. We spent all of our time with one of the two groups which included Venom, Milkweed, and Bolide. These three whales were traveling throughout the area and taking short dives, giving us beautiful views of them at the surface. We were also treated with encounters with at least four gray seals that stayed with us throughout our time in the area. After watching the trio take beautiful fluking dives, we slowly made our way back to Boston.
Это был фантастический день на воде!
Eman, Colin, and Jane
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Счастливой субботы, наблюдатели за китами,
Today the Asteria headed to the southwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of whales. As Provincetown appeared on the horizon, we were delighted to see the spouts of at least seven Humpback Whales. We started by watching a trio of females, Venom, Bolide and Milkweed, as they were taking short dives and surfacing close by. These three whales have been spending quite a bit of time together recently, so it is always fascinating to see these longer-term associations from these usually solitary animals. We also had amazing looks at several Gray Seals in the area, with a few Minke Whales treating us to some sneaky close looks. Also in the area was another trio of Humpbacks, as well as an individual Humpback. The individual joined our initial trio, and ended up being a naturalist fan favorite, Chunk! The four of these whales started to make their way towards the more distant trio, who we decided to go investigate. We were excited to see more familiar whales named Eruption, Spell and Pele! At one point, these smaller groups joined into one big association before splitting off again. After getting some last fluking dives from these whales, we started to head back to Boston, when two of our Humpbacks breached behind us! It was a remarkable way to exit the sanctuary! Well on our way back home, we ended our sightings for the day with a lone Humpback Whale traveling close to Boston. It was a pretty unexpected and exciting way to end a great trip on the water!
До следующего раза!
David, Sydney, Emily & Josiah
11:00 и 15:30 Наблюдение за китами
Today aboard the Aurora, the 11am whale watch made its way out towards Stellwagen Bank in search of whales and other marine life. We spotted several blows in the distance. We spent most of our time with a trio of humpback whales consisting of Milkweed, Venom, and Bolide. These three lovely ladies were spending a lot of time at the surface, so we were able to get some awesome looks at them. They even popped up next to the boat a few times! Towards the end of the trip, another humpback whale named Chunk joined the group. It was my first time seeing Chunk this season, so I was very happy to see them! After some beautiful fluking dives from our group, we had to head back to Boston.
The 330pm whale watch made its way towards the same area in hopes for similar success to the moring trip. We were in luck when we spotted several blows in the distance. We started our trip on a trio of humpbacks consisting of Pele, Eruption, and Spell. These three were taking short dives and came up next to the boat several times! We then moved on to the morning trio of Milkweed, Venom, and Bolide. The highlight of the trip was this trio popping up right next to the boat surprising everyone on board! After some more beautiful fluking dives from all our whales we had to head back to Boston. It was a great day out on the water!
До следующего раза,
Colin, Meghan, and Jane
14:30 Наблюдение за китами
Good Evening Fellow Whale Lovers!
The 2:30 pm whale watch returned to the South West Corner of Stellwagen bank excited to search for more cetaceans. We started our trip with a brief look at a minke whale who crossed our bow! We spotted several charismatic grey seals before finding a trio of humpbacks that included Spell, Pele, and Eruption. These three went down on a dive before treating us with a close approach that included some beautiful rainblows. We got several more close approaches from this group before we decided to check out some other blows in the area. We found another trio the included Venom, Bolide, and Milkweed. Venom even pooped at the surface for us giving us a glimpse of the ecological importance of these whales.
We got some great last looks before heading back to Boston.
Overall a great day for whale watching!
Sydney, David, Emily and Josiah
10:00 и 14:30 Наблюдение за китами
Добрый вечер!
We boarded the Asteria for the 10 am whale watch and enjoyed a beautiful ride across calm seas and under blue skies. Though aiming for Stellwagen Bank, our journey was quickly interrupted by a breaching humpback whale calf just off of the coast of Scituate! We decided to linger, and were treated to almost 2 hours of baby breaches, tail lobs, tail breaches, and spy hopping! Mom emerged from the depths, identifying herself as Bungee! Our first sighting of her this season, she was not to be upstaged by her calf, and began blowing bubble clouds and emerging with mouthfuls of fish! The bait fish were abundant, circling around the vessel and seemingly also being chased by predators we couldn’t see. A third humpback whale made an appearance, Glo-Stick, engaging in some surface feeding herself. We took in some last looks at these humpbacks before making our quick journey back home, excited to see what awaited us in the afternoon.
The 2:30 pm whale watch started in a similar manner, with a little more wind and waves. Before the bank, we were once again interrupted by a lunge feeding humpback whale! This whale appeared to be a juvenile, and after some lunges ventured closer to the vessel to check us out. After an extended dive, we decided to press on, eventually meeting up with about six more humpback whales on the southwest corner! Much of our time was spent with a trip consisting on Eruption, Pele, and Spell! Engaging in subsurface feeding, they took short dives and spent plenty of time at the surface. Two young grey seals joined in on the entertainment, one sporting some gnarly wounds, perhaps an attempted snacking opportunity? After much time with our mammalian counterparts, we began our journey back to Boston, having spent another splendid Sunday asea.
Флюксы вверх!
Ashlyn and Kaitlyn
11 утра Наблюдение за китами
Good evening whale watchers!
The 11am watch headed out on the Asteria under gorgeous sea conditions. While making our way south, we weren’t even able to reach Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, as we found three different humpbacks whales close by! We were delighted to spend most of our time with Bungee and her 2023 calf. Today is the first time we’ve seen this pair, and we got to see the calf tail-breach and roll with its adorable little flippers. We eventually left to spend some time with the solitary humpback Glo-Stick, who was blowing some bubble clouds and lunging!
We saw a flurry of splashing in the distance and returned to witness a series of explosive surface activity from Bungee’s calf! In a truly remarkable whale watch, we got to see non-stop breaching, tail-breaching, chin-breaching, and lob-tailing from this little whale for over thirty minutes. Despite being only a few months old, this whale was full of energy and seemed to spend more time out of the water than in it. Passengers truly got to see every part of this whale and it was such a fantastic way to end our whale watch.
Kate and Sydney
15:30 Наблюдение за китами
Good Evening Fellow Whale Lovers!
The Aurora headed out to the southwest corner of Stellwagen bank in search of cetaceans and we were lucky to encounter 2 trios of humpbacks. The wind and waves had significantly picked up since our trip this morning, but this did not deter our enthusiastic passengers. We spent some time with Pele, Spell, Eruption, Venom, Milkweed, and Bolide who were taking turns surprising us on all sides of the boat with close approaches as they charged throughout the area. We were also treated to some really incredible looks at several charismatic grey seals. Overall, it was a great day for whale watching on Stellwagen!
Sydney and Kate
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Привет всем,
Today aboard the Asteria, the 10am whale watch made its way offshore in search of whales and other marine life. We were about 10 miles to the bank when we spotted our first blow. It came from a fin whale! This fin whale was being fairly elusive, so we decided to check out another blow in the area. It turned out to be from Tongs the humpback whale! She was spending a lot of time at the surface, and she was taking fairly short dives. She even came up close to the boat a few times! The highlight of the trip was when we noticed some fish jumping, saw a bubble cloud form, and then Tongs lunged up through the bubble cloud! After several amazing looks at Tongs, and of course some beautiful fluking dives, we had to make our way back to Boston. It was a really great day offshore!
Colin and Reilly
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день,
Today aboard the Aurora we had a two species whale day in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. We first found female humpback Tong searching for food, with a fin whale nearby in the same area. After spending time with Tongs, we spent time with this second largest whale species, watching the fin whale also search for food with quick short dives. We wrapped up our trip back with Tongs, who’s perseverance for finding fish paid off as we found her bubble cloud feeding and defecating repeatedly! She was a well fed whale!
Будь здоров,
Laura & Kaitlyn
10 утра Наблюдение за китами
Добрый день,
Today aboard the Aurora we spent time with a female humpback whale named Diablo. Diablo was on the move today searching for food – as we tracked her path after our trip, we found she was moving due north! We can only wonder how humpbacks find their food and navigate. On the way home we spotted a second humpback as well.
Будь здоров,
Laura, Meghan, & Jane
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Dear Whale Watchers,
Today the Asteria did not even make it to Stellwagen Bank before coming upon a lovely humpback whale. It was Tongs! She was bubble cloud feeding and it was great to see up close. We saw another small humpback and then ended our day with Diablo. We spent almost an hour and a half with the whales!
Swim On!
Mira and Emily
12:00 Наблюдение за китами
Привет всем,
Today aboard the Aurora, the 12pm whale watch headed towards the southwest corner of Stellwagen Bank in search of whales and other marine life. As we approached the area, we spotted a series of blows. We spent our time with a trio of humpback whales consisting of Pele, Spell, and Eruption! This group was moving sporadically but were spending a good amount of time at the surface, so we were able to get some really great looks at them. The group even came up close to the boat a few times! We also got a few looks at a minke whale and a curious grey seal. After some beautiful fluking dives from our trio, we had to head back to Boston. It was a really great day out on Stellwagen Bank!
До следующего раза,
Colin and Indi
Больше изображений с этой недели

Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 05/12/23 to 06/01/23