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Passe Hop-On Hop-Off River Pass 24h
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GGreenwich pode não estar no centro de Londres, mas é um dos bairros mais pitorescos da cidade e merece uma visita. Há muito para explorar em Greenwich em 2023, pois é uma zona de Londres com muita história e muitas histórias para contar. Onde os hemisférios se encontram e a herança real se mistura com a arquitetura de vanguarda. Há absolutamente muito para fazer enquanto estiver aqui e, independentemente dos seus interesses, haverá certamente algo de que gostará.
Aqui está uma grande lista de Coisas para fazer em Greenwich para começar!
1 O Observatório Real
O Observatório Real de Greenwich é uma atração de visita obrigatória em Greenwich. O local de nascimento da Hora Média de Greenwich e da própria astronomia britânica é uma das atracções turísticas mais populares de Greenwich. Aqui, pode estar do outro lado da Linha do Meridiano Principal (que atravessa dois hemisférios), ver o maior telescópio refratário do país, ver invenções de ponta e até tocar num asteroide com mais de 4 mil milhões de anos. Há diversão para todas as idades aqui no único planetário de Londres. Os preços são £8 para crianças e £16 para adultos.
2 O Cutty Sark
Se está à procura de coisas históricas para fazer em Greenwich, o Cutty Sark é uma atração ideal. Suba a bordo deste navio do século XIX que era famoso no seu tempo por quebrar recordes de viagens e conquistas. Pode subir a bordo do navio e aprender sobre a sua história e como desempenhou um papel no comércio do chá. Os bilhetes para crianças custam £8 e os bilhetes para adultos custam £16,00. Se quiser apenas ver o navio por fora, pode visitá-lo gratuitamente.
3 Fazer um cruzeiro no rio a partir do Cais de Greenwich
Greenwich Pier is a busy pier, and most tour boats link up to central London, using Greenwich Pier as their first or last stop. If you jump on board a City Cruises tour at Greenwich, you can take a boat tour on the Thames River and see London from a different perspective. You’ll be able to ride it all the way to Westminster area – meaning you’ll see the full route. There are so many key London sights to spot along the way, you won’t have time to blink!
The National Maritime Museum is in Greenwich and is a fascinating place to learn about Britain’s maritime history. You can see artifacts from famous naval battles and learn about explorers such as Captain Cook. So, if you’re on a budget you might be wondering what there is to do in Greenwich for free. The National Maritime Museum is the perfect solution as it charges no entry fee. As the biggest museum of its type in the world, here you can learn about Britain’s maritime heritage and discover more about the life of Admiral Lord Nelson.
Greenwich Park is one of the best places to visit in Greenwich if you want to get some fresh air and get out of the hustle and bustle of the city. This green space is the oldest enclosed Royal Park in the country. Admire gorgeous views of the river and enjoy free entertainment in the summer while you stroll through this lovely, peaceful oasis. Entry is free.
Another one of the free Greenwich attractions, Greenwich Market is a paradise for those looking for a spot of retail therapy is a great place to shop for unique souvenirs, handmade crafts, and artisanal foods. The market is open every day and is a great place to experience the local culture. Packed with stalls selling unique arts and crafts, this lively market has a vibrant atmosphere thanks to live street entertainers and the continental food court.
The Old Royal Naval College is the architectural centrepiece of Maritime Greenwich, travel through 500 years of extraordinary history and experience the magnificence of the Painted Hall. The Painted Hall is the jewel in our crown and known as ‘Britain’s Sistine Chapel’. Something that shouldn’t be missed!
8 Casa do guarda-florestal - Coleção Wernher
A Ranger's House é uma elegante moradia georgiana situada na fronteira entre Greenwich Park e Blackheath, que alberga a Wernher Collection, uma coleção de arte de classe mundial reunida pelo empresário do século XIX, Sir Julius Wernher.
Com mais de 700 obras de arte expostas numa dúzia de interiores com painéis, inclui esculturas medievais, esmaltes brilhantes, jóias ornamentadas e pinturas renascentistas.
Vale a pena visitar Greenwich?
Vale 100% a pena visitar Greenwich em 2023, há muitas coisas para fazer e ver, é um dos bairros mais pitorescos da cidade. Greenwich é uma zona bonita, histórica e movimentada de Londres, onde os hemisférios se encontram e a herança real se mistura com a arquitetura de vanguarda. Há absolutamente muito para fazer enquanto estiver aqui e, independentemente dos seus interesses, haverá certamente algo de que gostará.
Por que é que Greenwich é conhecida?
Greenwich é conhecida pela sua história, visite o Observatório Real, sede do Tempo Médio de Greenwich (GMT), o Meridiano Principal do mundo e o Planetário de Londres. O Cutty Sark Suba a bordo deste navio do século XIX que foi famoso no seu tempo por viagens e feitos que bateram recordes.
Quais são as melhores actividades ao ar livre em Greenwich, Londres?
Há muitas coisas para fazer em Greenwich que são ao ar livre! Primeiro, pode apanhar um cruzeiro turístico no cais de Greenwich ou subir a bordo do Cutty Sark ou pode dar um passeio no parque de Greenwich se quiser apanhar ar fresco e sair da azáfama da cidade. Este espaço verde é o mais antigo parque real fechado do país. Ou dê um passeio pelo Green Market se estiver à procura de um pouco de terapia de retalho. Repleto de bancas que vendem artes e ofícios únicos, este mercado animado tem uma atmosfera vibrante graças aos artistas de rua ao vivo e à praça de alimentação continental.
Como passar um dia em Greenwich Londres?
Descubra as melhores atracções de Londres. Combine um dos nossos cruzeiros turísticos ou de refeições com uma atração de topo. Há muito para explorar em Greenwich. Poderá estar na Meridian Line no Observatório Real, experimentar a vida a bordo do Cutty Sark, o último navio de transporte de chá ainda existente no mundo, ou sentar-se e apreciar as vistas - temos tudo o que precisa!
How easy is it to access Greenwich from central London?
Greenwich is conveniently accessible from central London. You can take the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) to Cutty Sark station or use regular train services from London Bridge. Alternatively, for a more scenic route, hop on a Thames riverboat cruise that stops at Greenwich Pier.
Are there any cultural or art attractions in Greenwich?
Yes, Greenwich boasts several cultural gems like the National Maritime Museum, which chronicles Britain’s naval history with an impressive collection of maps, artwork, and ship models. The Painted Hall at the Old Royal Naval College, often dubbed as the ‘Sistine Chapel of the UK’, showcases spectacular baroque artwork and architecture.
What dining options are available in Greenwich?
Greenwich offers a diverse array of dining options ranging from historic pubs, like the Gipsy Moth, to vibrant food stalls at Greenwich Market. For those seeking international cuisine, the borough provides everything from Italian to Indian and beyond.
Are there events or festivals that take place in Greenwich throughout the year?
Greenwich hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year. One of the notable events is the Greenwich + Docklands International Festival, an outdoor theatre and performing arts festival. Additionally, the Greenwich Comedy Festival showcases some of the best comedic talents in a delightful setting.
Is Greenwich family-friendly?
Absolutely! Greenwich offers a range of family-friendly activities. Children can enjoy interactive displays at the Discover Greenwich Visitor Centre, participate in themed events at the National Maritime Museum, or marvel at the wonders of space at the Peter Harrison Planetarium.
Can I enjoy scenic views of London from Greenwich?
Yes, one of the best panoramic views of London can be enjoyed from the top of Greenwich Park, near the Royal Observatory. Overlooking the River Thames, the viewpoint offers a stunning vista that includes Canary Wharf, the skyscrapers of the City of London, and beyond.
Does City Cruises operate tours to Greenwich?
Yes, City Cruises offers regular river cruises to and from Greenwich, allowing passengers to experience the sights of London from the River Thames while travelling to this historic borough.
How long is the City Cruises journey from central London to Greenwich?
A cruise from Westminster to Greenwich with City Cruises typically takes around an hour. This gives passengers ample time to relax, enjoy the onboard amenities, and marvel at London’s iconic landmarks along the river.
Are there any themed cruises offered by City Cruises that include Greenwich?
City Cruises often hosts themed events, and some of these special cruises sail to or depart from Greenwich. These can include evening jazz cruises, afternoon tea experiences, or even holiday-themed events that provide unique views of Greenwich and its surroundings.
Can I combine a visit to Greenwich attractions with a City Cruise ticket?
Absolutely! City Cruises offers combination tickets that allow passengers to explore Greenwich’s top attractions, such as the Royal Observatory or Cutty Sark, along with their cruise journey. It’s a great way to experience the best of both water and land.
Do City Cruises offer any dining options on their Greenwich routes?
Yes, many of the City Cruises vessels on the Greenwich routes offer onboard bars and cafes where passengers can purchase snacks, drinks, and even full meals. Some cruises also offer special dining experiences, such as afternoon teas or dinner cruises.
Can I use the hop-on-hop-off City Cruises service to explore Greenwich and other parts of London?
Certainly! City Cruises’ hop-on-hop-off service is perfect for those wishing to explore multiple parts of London in one day. You can disembark at Greenwich, spend time exploring, and then hop back on a later cruise to continue your journey along the Thames.
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Londres, Reino Unido
Passe Hop-On Hop-Off River Pass 24h
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Londres, Reino Unido
Essential Londres
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