False Killer Whales Spotted off the San Diego Coast
Some of the most amazing experiences are unexpected! Recently, despite dense fog, a pod of more than 20 False Killer Whales (Pseudorca crassidens) were spotted in our local waters. These
Leia blogs sobre as melhores coisas a fazer em todo o globo! Livro online com Experiências da Cidade para coisas divertidas a fazer.
Some of the most amazing experiences are unexpected! Recently, despite dense fog, a pod of more than 20 False Killer Whales (Pseudorca crassidens) were spotted in our local waters. These
The first southbound Gray Whales have been spotted off the coast of Monterey Bay, California! Hop on board a Hornblower Whale & Dolphin Watching Tour to witness part of this
Update: A recent report for the Vaquita Population as of August 2016, estimates that only 30 individual vaquitas are left! This indicates that the vaquitas are still disappearing at an
É época de observação das baleias cinzentas em San Diego e o auge da época é este sábado o Festival da Baleia da Baía Grande de San Diego. Em homenagem a isto
A época de observação de baleias cinzentas Hornblower 2018-2019 começa em 8 de Dezembro - mesmo a tempo de avistar baleias cinzentas quando estas passam por San Diego a caminho de lagoas de reprodução
Photos by Ken Shelby, captured these great images of a breaching Humpback Whale just off Mission Bay from the rails of Hornblower on their recent whale watching cruise. Mr Shelby
Learn about Gray Whales! Links to Gray Whale Facts! Gray Whale, American Cetacean Society acsonline.org/fact-sheets/gray-whale/ American Cetacean Society Discover fascinating facts about gray whales including size, feeding habits, distribution, and
Although our Captains try their best to find at least one large whale for guest to see during each Whale & Dolphin Watching Cruise, occasionally weather conditions make this impossible
The heart in the picture above is obviously a replica, but a real blue whale heart weighs roughly 1,300 pounds; its heartbeat can be detected from two miles away and
Blue Whale, American Cetacean Society acsonline.org/fact-sheets/blue-whale-2 American Cetacean Society Discover fascinating facts about blue whales including size, feeding habits, distribution, and status. Blue Whale, National Geographic animals.nationalgeographic.com/…/blue–wh… National Geographic Society