Hornblower Niagara Cruises was pleased to welcome Makoto Hirata

and Masaki Suzuki, Manager, Japan & Korea Market Development from Toronto Tourism, who stopped by for a visit to the Hornblower Niagara Cruises office. Masaki represents the Japanese market in Toronto, Ontario where he operates a number of social media channels for the Japanese Groups who travel to Niagara Falls each year. The #NiagaraCruises Marketing team and a member from the Sales team were on hand to tour the visitors around and to discus the many features of Hornblower Niagara Cruises.


Masaki who operates a number of tourism channels has previously created stories since he visited Niagara Falls, Canada in the past.  Please have a peek at their blog: http://www.visittorontojp.com/.


Have a peek at the images taken from today: http://www.pinterest.com/niagaracruises/


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