CChicago is the largest city of the American Midwest and the third largest city in the U.S. Founded in 1830, the city was Established as a water transit hub; the city evolved into an industrial metropolis, processing and transporting the raw materials of its vast hinterland. 

With almost 3 million people today, Chicago has 100 neighborhoods, 36 annual parades, 40 annual film festivals, 250 live music venues, 600 parks, 29 beaches, more than 7,300 restaurants, 7 AAA Diamond-rated restaurants, and even 144 dog-friendly eateries. It’s definitely a destination for foodies. This great city also has 26 Michelin-starred restaurants and 40 James Beard Award-winning restaurants as well.  


What’s Old is Now a Trendy Foodie Spot

In a city that was known as the meatpacking capital of the nation, things have certainly changed in Chicago. In 1971, the famed Union Stockyards were closed while “Fulton Market’s slaughterhouses have been replaced by food halls, swanky cocktail bars, and gastropubs, the city’s steakhouses remain bustling, mostly due to tourists, as well as businesspeople and conventioneers armed with buoyant expense accounts.”

Today the area that is known as the West Loop is a haven for foodies. “A former meat-packing district, the West Loop has become one of the most dynamic dining destinations in the city.” The area is now filled with some of the city’s most popular restaurants. Here, you’ll find Restaurant Row and Greektown. When you’re not eating your way through the area, you can check out art galleries, boutique hotels, and fun shops.


Tour Chicago for All of the Hype as well as the Food

피자시카고의 딥 디쉬 피자를 가까이서 만나보세요

When you’re in Chicago, you have to try the deep-dish pizza. The city is known for it, brags about it, and the classic is just about everywhere you go. This Chicago-style pizza, cheesy and tomato-filled, was put on the map in the fall of 1943 when Pizzeria Uno opened.

This deepdish pizza had:

  • 많은 치즈와 두껍고 달콤한 생과자 껍질 껍질
  • High oven temperatures when baking “with plentiful amounts of cornmeal sprinkled in the pan to help insulate the bread”
  • 매우 긴 조리 시간

역사가 만들어졌고 많은 사람들이 입에 물을 주었다. 파이는 시카고뿐만 아니라 결국 전국으로 퍼졌습니다. 따라서 시카고에 있을 때 딥디쉬 피자는 탐닉해야 할 음식입니다.


오프라는 이 트렌디한 동네에 뿌리를 두고 있습니다.

초창기부터 웨스트 루프는 대조적인 지역이었으며 "누더기에서 부로" 이야기에 대해 배우게 될 것입니다. 오프라 윈프리 자신도 그 과정에서 도움을 받았습니다. 이 동네 산책에서 더 많은 것을 알게 될 것입니다!

What was once Oprah’s former Harpo Studios building is now the headquarters for McDonald’s.  A developer bought the studio in 2014 while production on Oprah’s Show ended in 2015. Harpo was home to the Oprah Winfrey Show from 1990 until it went off the air in 2011, staking Chicago’s claim as a media center and giving new life to the area west of the Loop.”


콘비프 샌드위치의 심장에 도달하기

샌드위치Then it’s time to take a stroll and stop at the next food establishment on this tasty tour. You’ll pop into a total neighborhood institution: a corned beef sandwich shop where the corned beef is prepared just around the corner—a true nod to this area´s meatpacking past!

이 정류장에서 실제로 현장에서 생산되는 전체 콘드 비프 샌드위치를 찾을 수 있습니다. 공장으로 시작해 나중에 매장이 추가되어 이 맛있는 샌드위치를 맛보기에 완벽한 장소가 되었습니다.


그리스의 맛

Next on the list, you’ll continue to explore the West Loop hotspots and step into the popular food hall among the locals in Chicago. It was opened in 2019 and is truly a food lover’s paradise. It has provided up-and-coming chefs with the opportunity to try out their craft before they are able to open their own restaurants. The West Loop is the place to see and be seen, so it’s important for new chefs.

The West Loop is home to Greektown, which has the third-largest Greek population in the US. Here, you’ll try delicious Greek food from a local Greek restaurant and get a taste of the traditional culture.


새로운 풍미의 트위스트가있는 오래된 맛있는 도넛

과자Next up on the tour is a taste of the sweet stuff that this neighborhood has to offer. You’ll stop for donuts at a small-batch donut shop owned by two former Michelin-star pastry chefs who met while working in the pastry kitchen at a Michelin-star restaurant. The chefs found out they were from the same town in California and each enjoyed the same favorite donut shop there.

시카고에서는 메이플 베이컨과 같은 맛을 포함하기 위해 소량 배치 도넛을 만듭니다. 반죽 발효 과정으로 인해 가장 어려운 레시피인 구식 종류를 시도하게 됩니다.

제임스 비어드 상 (James Beard Award)을 수상한 현지 요리사의 장인 컵 케이크로이 놀라운 음식 투어를 마무리합니다.

시카고는 정말 맛이 좋지 않았습니다. 동네 안팎에서 직조를 하고 짭짤하고 달콤한 것을 맛본 후에는 낮잠을 잘 준비가 된 것입니다. 그러나 시카고가 제공하는 맛을 꿈꾸고 다시 돌아오고 싶을 것입니다.

Original post date: October 11, 2022