アルカトラズ島は当初、ペリカンの島(Isla De Alcatraces)と名付けられましたが、ペリカンがいることはまずありません!ペリカンの島とは、ペリカンがいない島のことである!アルカトラズ島は、白いカモメが砂岩の島を覆っていることから、「ホワイトロック」と呼ばれています。アルカトラズ島、または「ザ・ロック」は、カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ湾にあり、沖合1.5マイル、22エーカーの面積を占めている。

Visiting Alcatraz is one of the most exciting attractions to do in San Francisco and according to British Airways High Life: The Original Guide to San Francisco, it’s an “unmissable sight.” You are in luck if you want to know the best time to visit Alcatraz. With so many options to choose from, planning your trip will give you the most bang for your buck. Below are some tips for the best times to visit Alcatraz.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 24: A view of Alcatraz Island during Alcatraz City Cruises’ celebration in partnership with the National Parks Service of the 50th Anniversary of Alcatraz Island opening as a National Park on October 24, 2023, in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Araya Doheny/Getty Images for Alcatraz City Cruises)


通常、混雑を避けたい場合は、月曜日から木曜日が安全です。連休に訪れる場合は、普段より混雑することを覚悟してください。最も混雑しないのは1月、2月、3月です。ただし、冬から春先にかけては雨が降ることが多いので、計画的に行動してください。刑務所の中に入ると、訪問者が詰めかけるので、きちんと計画を立てないと、不快な思いをすることがあることを心に留めておく必要があります。早めのチケットを購入すれば、混雑を避けて見学することができます。数時間かけて、過去にタイムスリップしたような気分に浸ることができます。 アルカトラズ島日帰りツアー南北戦争の砦、軍事刑務所、そして米国史上最も悪名高い連邦刑務所のひとつである伝説の島を体験してください。このツアーには数時間の滞在を予定しています。



It may surprise you to learn that the island was used as a prison for only 30 years (from 1934 to 1963) and no longer houses inmates due to the excessive costs of operations. It has become a national landmark for tourists intriguing over one million visitors each year. Having a little background knowledge can make for a more enjoyable experience., so do your research before you go! Alcatraz Day Tour and Big Bus Classic Tour allow you to step back in time and experience all there is to know about this legendary island. Discover its layered history with an expert tour guide.






Alcatraz Behind the Scenes Tour: If you want a peek at behind-the-scenes information not previously available to the public, join a group of thirty or fewer on a guided adventure to the Island’s fascinating past. Hidden doorways, tunnels, and an underground jail will satisfy your passion for Alcatraz’s secrets. You will get a chance to explore areas that are off-limits to the public and hear fascinating stories about the island’s history and relevance today. This is an extremely popular tour that will provide you with many opportunities to engage in-depth with your tour leader and participants since the group size is limited, so book early to ensure you get a spot! Bring your cameras because you will get an opportunity to capture unusual photos and discover off-the-beaten-track areas of Alcatraz that are closed to regular visitors. Plan on spending approximately two hours and enjoy your round-trip ferry ride where adventure awaits. Please note this tour requires extensive walking on steep hills and climbing multiple staircases.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 24: A view of Alcatraz Island during Alcatraz City Cruises’ celebration in partnership with the National Parks Service of the 50th Anniversary of Alcatraz Island opening as a National Park on October 24, 2023, in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Araya Doheny/Getty Images for Alcatraz City Cruises)



Fog is always a problem when visiting San Francisco and can obscure the view when visiting Alcatraz. With an unpredictable climate that can change suddenly, the best time for decent weather is April-May or September-October. Surprisingly, the summer months can be quite cold and foggy. Most families want to travel in the summer so you will encounter fewer crowds and clearer skies as well if you visit during non-summer months. This is the perfect time to experience Alcatraz. Take a tour of the island after nightfall with a limited crowd of people. Enjoy walking through the San Francisco neighborhoods of Fisherman’s Wharf and make a pitstop at the renowned Boudin Bakery where you may just get up close and personal with San Francisco’s unofficial mascot- the Sea Lions! 



SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 24: A view of Alcatraz Island during Alcatraz City Cruises’ celebration in partnership with the National Parks Service of the 50th Anniversary of Alcatraz Island opening as a National Park on October 24, 2023, in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Araya Doheny/Getty Images for Alcatraz City Cruises)

If you do not scare easily, definitely opt for the Alcatraz Night Tour. It is a bit more expensive but well worth it. In fact, Bay Area Moms lists the Alcatraz Night Tour as part of their “Bay Area Fall Bucket List” for 2023! A bonus to this tour is that you get to see San Francisco lit up at night which is incredible. You will hear compelling stories made more chilling by torchlight. Expert historians provide evening talks that change every night. This Alcatraz Night Tour is limited to just a few hundred visitors per evening and special programs, tours, and activities not offered during the day are included. Cell door demonstrations, short talks, and special exhibits await you if you dare! 



40年以上にわたって、世界中のトライアスリートが、ほとんどの人が不可能と感じる偉業に挑戦してきました。全米50州、50カ国以上から集まった世界チャンピオン、アマチュアトライアスリート、オリンピックメダリストたちは、サンフランシスコの伝説的な湾、急な坂、険しい地形に挑み、持久力を試されるのです。このイベントは、毎年夏に何千人もの参加者を集め、誰が "ESCAPE "に必要なものを持っているのかを明らかにします! シティクルーズ は、2023年の誇りあるスポンサーです。 エスケープ・フロム・アルカトラズ・トライアスロン アルカトラズ島から海岸までの1.5マイルのスイム、18マイルのバイクライド、ゴールデンゲートトレイルでの8マイルのラン、そして最も美しいサンフランシスコ湾を背景とした過酷なレースである。1980年代初頭から同様のレースが行われてきましたが、「エスケープ・フロム・アルカトラズ・トライアスロン」は、より多くの参加者を集め、その実力を試す大会として成長を続けています。



Original post date: October 25, 2023