On April 3rd, 2016 Hornblower Cruises & Events had the pleasure of welcoming aboard the Southern California chapters of Travel Massive, a group of travel journalists and industry professionals, for a two-hour San Diego brunch cruise. The group consisted of 20 photographers and bloggers who feasted on seafood, casino roast, sushi and a plethora of breakfast favorites. With full bellies and Champagne flutes in hand, Travel Massive casually mingled on the top deck, basking in the sun and snapping pics of the San Diego skyline and it’s unique landmarks, including the Coronado Bridge and Star of India. Guests were asked to share their experience on social media, using #HornblowerSD and #EatDrinkCruise.

The outing gave the Travel Massive group a chance to get to know Hornblower, chat with Executive Chef Sufi Karaien and an opportunity to network together, with the end goal of promoting travel and tourism.

A big thanks to the Travel Massive family for joining us and to Elaine Masters for coordinating the outing!

Here’s one of many stories to come: http://blog.wabisabigreen.com/hp_wordpress/?p=7007

Travel Massive At A Glance:
Travel Massive connects thousands of travel insiders to meet, learn and collaborate at free events all around the world. They are a global network of travel insiders, leaders and innovators, who care about making travel better. They hold events all around the world to bring together travel & tourism companies, travel bloggers, startups and travel media to connect and share globally.

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