To really get into the swing of Easter, House Rabbit Society — an international rabbit rescue — decided to spend the day on the bay with the Hornblower crew. This great organization has chapters spanning across the U.S., Australia, Greece and many other countries rescuing abandoned rabbits and finding them forever homes.

So why partner with the organization during Easter? 80% of bunnies purchased on this holiday are surrendered. Did you know bunnies can live to 12 years old? That’s a lot of time, especially in bunny years. We’re encouraging people to make a commitment, get educated, and choose adoption.

We all know bunnies love brunching, so we welcomed them with their favorite food on board the California Hornblower to munch with our crew.

Snowden immediately made a hop for it to our Easter brunch buffet. Meanwhile, Tule grazed the desserts. Some bunnies are insistent on eating their desserts (carrots and bananas) first.

In addition, the views let the bunnies see as far as they have ever seen. In fact, most bunnies only really hop a couple of miles a day.

Want to see for yourself what made the bunnies so eggstatic? Select one of our Easter Cruises — brunch and dinner cruises are available.

We’re encouraging people to learn about the realities of owning a pet rabbit before consideration. For great educational material visit House Rabbit Society. Also, check out our video coming soon, featuring the adorable adoptable bunnies.

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