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Tis the season for events and festivals in Niagara Falls, Canada. Throw on your mittens and a Fall jacket and explore the great outdoors across the Niagara Region. Once experienced the thrill at Hornblower Niagara Cruises there are a number of family fun-filled events kicking off in NIagara Falls, Canada all the way to St. Catharines, Ontario. Read more…
The leaves are changing shades of colours, the sweet smell of apple orchards linger in the air and most of all its sweater weather in Niagara Falls,Canada. ‘Fall in love’ with Niagara Falls, Canada and Hornblower Niagara Cruises. Read more about our most favourite time of the year and why it just might be yours too…
Ever wonder what type of fossils are found in the waters of the Niagara River? What about the history that dates back thousands of years ago? Niagara Falls, Canada offers a unique and rich history that dates back to the Ice Age era. Learn more about the geology and luscious green surroundings of Hornblower Niagara Cruise that make NIagara Falls, Canada and the Niagara Escarpment a world class destination and a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Learn more…
You may have heard of the expression, ‘Travelling is the best education’ and they were sure right by saying this especially when it comes to travelling outside of the classroom.
Niagara Falls, Canada is a worldwide tourism destination welcoming millions of visitors each year. This blog steps back, 12,000 years back in time to when this thunderous beauty was created. Learn more about the sights and sounds found in Niagara Falls, Canada when experiencing Hornblower Niagara Cruises.
The Niagara Falls Adventure Pass is the perfect way to see and experience the colourful and exciting attractions including Hornblower Niagara Cruises available in Niagara Falls, Canada. Read more…
Tis the Season for celebrities! Since having only opened in May 2014, Hornblower Niagara Cruises has welcomed a number of celebrity faces. Find out which Hollywood stars experienced the thundering falls on board the catamarans. Read more….
Hornblower Niagara Cruises is Niagara’s newest attraction that provided amazing experiences all season long for its guests and visitors. See what some of Hornblower Niagara Cruises guests have said about their Niagara Cruises visit. Read more…
Friday nights in Niagara Falls, Canada just got a lot more exciting. Hornblower Niagara Cruises offers the brand new evening Falls Fireworks cruises that brings guests up close and personal with Niagara Falls while experiencing a spectacular light show in the sky above. Read more…
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