Have you visited Niagara Falls, Canada and wondered about the abandoned shipwreck just before the brink of the Horseshoe Falls? The Niagara Scow is a 95 year old ship that broke loose about 1.6 km (1 mile) upriver. The barge (the Niagara Scow) containing 2,000 tons of rock and sand started moving out of control towards the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, preparing itself for the plunge over the Canadian Horseshoe Falls.
Das "Abenteuer des Jahres" von National Geographic erklimmt im Eis den mächtigsten Wasserfall der Welt: die Niagarafälle. Mitten im Winter, bei -10 Grad Celsius, klettert Will Gadd zusammen mit seiner Freundin und Kletterin Sarah Heuniken 156 Meter hinauf, das sind etwas mehr als 508 Fuß. Lesen Sie mehr über diese erstaunliche Klettertour, die in dieser Woche Menschen aus der ganzen Welt dazu veranlasste, die Niagarafälle in den Nachrichten zu sehen. Lesen Sie mehr...
Love Great Deals? You Will Love To Be In Niagara Falls, Canada This Valentines Day!
Hornblower Niagara Cruises aren’t the only ones celebrating Valentine’s Day this season. Explore your senses and rejuvenate yourself during the Winter months with the perfect romantic getaway to the honeymoon capital. Read more…
Five Words Or More To Ruin A Date While in NIagara Falls, Canada
CNN recently posted an article on ‘5 Words Or More To Ruin A Date’. Hornblower Niagara Cruises is sharing their best words to ruin a date while on a boat ride in Niagara Falls, Canada. See what we heard from previous guests….
The Story Behind the Ice Sheets in Niagara Falls and how it effects Hornblower Niagara Cruises
Ever imagined if Niagara Falls could freeze over? Each year, both teams on the Canadian and American boarder work together to prepare for the massive ice boom that will cover the water on the Niagara River and Lake Erie in NIagara Falls. Learn more about the Niagara ice boom and how it could affect marine operations in the waters including Hornblower Niagara Cruises. Read more…
What's Your New Years Resolution? Think: Niagara Falls, Canada!
If you made a holiday wish list, be sure to pull out the same pen and start writing your New Years Resolutions. It’s a new year, which means a new you! Hornblower Niagara Cruises, in Niagara Falls, Canada thought of a few friendly resolutions to help you improve in 2015. Read more…
'Pin' the Season from Hornblower Niagara Cruises
‘Pin the Season’ with crafty, colourful and festive holiday ideas found on Hornblower Niagara Cruises Pinterest board. Niagara Falls inspires us, let us inspire you. Read more…
A Laughing Matter
T.V. Personality and Canada’s funny man, Rick Mercer made a visit to Hornblower Niagara Cruises, in NIagara Falls, Canada in September for the taping of CBC’s most talked about show, ‘The Rick Mercer Report’ and to enjoy the thrill of a lifetime on board the famous boat tour to the falls. Watch the video and learn more about his visit…
All Is Bright, All is Calm in Niagara Falls, Canada With Niagara Cruises
Ontario’s largest light show returns to Niagara Falls, Canada on November 15th for 4 weeks only. The OPG Winter Festival of Lights returns to Dufferin Islands and the Fallsview District minutes from Hornblower NIagara Cruises. This years show introduces more unique light displays and spectaculars than ever. Learn more about the Misty Kids visit to Hornblower Niagara Cruises, read more…