Alcatraz City Cruises Community Day
Bæredygtige og miljømæssige tiltag, og hvordan du kan bidrage

Community Day By The Bay
april 2023
Alcatraz City Cruises is committed to maintaining the lowest possible impact on the environment. Our Community Day Festivities highlight our sustainability efforts with interactive exhibits teaching how to make small changes that can have a positive impact on our environment. The event is free and open to the public at Pier 33 Alcatraz Landing and will include music, entertainment and fun for the entire family.
Be sure to check out website for upcoming events.
On Community Day and every day, Alcatraz City Cruises actively promotes sustainability efforts in San Francisco and throughout the maritime industry. The first maritime company to run hybrid ferry service in the country, Alcatraz City Cruises is considered “zero waste,” consistently recycling 90 percent of its waste, and is certified “green” by several national agencies. Alcatraz City Cruises continues to perform at the highest levels for quality, environment, health and safety.
Du kan få flere oplysninger ved at ringe på 415.438.8320 eller sende en e-mail til vores Earth Day-team.
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