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Real Pirates Experience

Unforgettable Experiences

Iconic and one-of-a-kind experiences

See the world’s only fully authenticated pirate treasure ever discovered retrieved from the wreck, and last touched by the hands of pirates more than 300 years ago. Explore the Discovery Lab, where you can learn more about the archaeological preservation process for historic artifa

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  • Experience the true tales of pirates in Massachusetts
  • Dive into the preservation process at the Discovery Lab
  • Visit the only fully authenticated pirate treasure ever discovered in the world


  • Admission to the Real Pirates Museum

Essential Info

  • Typical time spent in the Exhibit is between 1 and 2 hours.

Where to Meet

Departure Point/Entrance

285 Derby St, Salem, MA 01970

Departure Time

10 am to 6 pm (last entry at 5:30 pm)

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Ticket Assurance

Reschedule or refund your reservation any time with Ticket Assurance. Not available on select experiences including special events, holidays or partners tours.


Hvornår var der pirater i New England?

Mange pirater i det 17. og 18. århundrede var New Englandere og New Yorkere, som transporterede guld og sølv fra Mellemamerika og varer fra Europa.

Hvilke artefakter er forbundet med pirater og kan ses?

Du kan se mønter, juveler og våben.

Hvad er den eneste autentificerede piratskat?

Den eneste autentificerede piratskat er fra Whydah, der sank i 1717 og blev fundet i 1984.