CChicago er den "største by i det amerikanske midtvesten" og "den tredjestørste by" i USA. Byen blev grundlagt i 1830 og blev "Etableret som et knudepunkt for vandtransport; byen udviklede sig til en industrimetropol, der forarbejdede og transporterede råmaterialerne fra det store bagland."
With almost 3 million people today, Chicago has 100 neighborhoods, 36 annual parades, 40 annual film festivals, 250 live music venues, 600 parks, 29 beaches, more than 7,300 restaurants, 7 AAA Diamond-rated restaurants, and even 144 dog-friendly eateries. It’s definitely a destination for foodies. This great city also has 26 Michelin-starred restaurants and 40 James Beard Award-winning restaurants as well.
What’s Old is Now a Trendy Foodie Spot
In a city that was known as the meatpacking capital of the nation, things have certainly changed in Chicago. In 1971, the famed Union Stockyards were closed while “Fulton Market’s slaughterhouses have been replaced by food halls, swanky cocktail bars, and gastropubs, the city’s steakhouses remain bustling, mostly due to tourists, as well as businesspeople and conventioneers armed with buoyant expense accounts.”
Today the area that is known as the West Loop is a haven for foodies. “A former meat-packing district, the West Loop has become one of the most dynamic dining destinations in the city.” The area is now filled with some of the city’s most popular restaurants. Here, you’ll find Restaurant Row and Greektown. When you’re not eating your way through the area, you can check out art galleries, boutique hotels, and fun shops.
Tour Chicago for All of the Hype as well as the Food
Kom helt tæt på Chicagos dybdegående pizza
When you’re in Chicago, you have to try the deep-dish pizza. The city is known for it, brags about it, and the classic is just about everywhere you go. This Chicago-style pizza, cheesy and tomato-filled, was put on the map in the fall of 1943 when Pizzeria Uno opened.
Denne dybt-skålpizza havde:
- Masser af ost og en tyk, sød dejskalskorpe
- Høj ovntemperatur ved bagning "med rigelige mængder majsmel drysset i panden for at hjælpe med at isolere brødet"
- Meget lang tilberedningstid
Der blev skrevet historie, og der var mange, der fik vand i munden. Tærterne spredte sig ikke kun i Chicago, men efterhånden over hele landet. Så når du er i Chicago, er deep-dish pizza en mad, du skal nyde.
Oprah har rødder i dette trendy kvarter
West Loop har lige fra sin tidligste tid været et kontrastfyldt område, og du vil lære om dets historie om "fra kluns til rigdom". Det blev endda hjulpet på vej af selveste Oprah Winfrey. Du vil finde ud af mere på denne spadseretur gennem kvarteret!
What was once Oprah’s former Harpo Studios building is now the headquarters for Mcdonald’s. A developer bought the studio in 2014 while production on Oprah’s Show ended in 2015. “Harpo was home to the Oprah Winfrey Show from 1990 until it went off the air in 2011, staking Chicago’s claim as a media center and giving new life to the area west of the Loop.”
Sådan får du fat i hjertet af en cornedbeef-sandwich
Then it’s time to take a stroll and stop at the next food establishment on this tasty tour. You’ll pop into a total neighborhood institution: a corned beef sandwich shop where the corned beef is prepared just around the corner—a true nod to this area´s meatpacking past!
Her finder du en hel corned beef-sandwich, som faktisk produceres på stedet. Det begyndte som en fabrik, og senere blev der tilføjet en butiksfacade, hvilket gør det til det perfekte sted at smage denne lækre sandwich.
En smag af Grækenland
Next on the list, you’ll continue to explore the West Loop hotspots and step into the popular food hall among the locals in Chicago. It was opened in 2019 and is truly a food lover’s paradise. It has provided up-and-coming chefs with the opportunity to try out their craft before they are able to open their own restaurants. The West Loop is the place to see and be seen, so it’s important for new chefs.
The West Loop is home to Greektown, which has the third-largest Greek population in the US. Here, you’ll try delicious Greek food from a local Greek restaurant and get a taste of the traditional culture.
Lækre gamle donuts med et nyt smagfuldt twist
Next up on the tour is a taste of the sweet stuff that this neighborhood has to offer. You’ll stop for donuts at a small-batch donut shop owned by two former Michelin-star pastry chefs who met while working in the pastry kitchen at a Michelin-star restaurant. The chefs found out they were from the same town in California and each enjoyed the same favorite donut shop there.
I Chicago fremstiller de donuts i små serier med smagsvarianter som f.eks. ahornbacon. Du kan prøve den gammeldags slags, som er den sværeste opskrift for dem at finde på på grund af gæringsprocessen i dejen.
Du afslutter denne fantastiske madtur med håndværksmæssige cupcakes fra en lokal James Beard Award-vindende kok.
Chicago har virkelig aldrig smagt så godt. Når du har været rundt i kvarteret og smagt på det salte og det søde, er du måske klar til en lur. Men du vil drømme om det lækre, som Chicago har at byde på, og du vil have lyst til at komme tilbage endnu en gang.
Original post date: October 11, 2022