Whether you’re a native New Yorker or it’s your first time visiting the City that Never Sleeps, originally named New Amsterdam, NYC tours can be the best way to discover some of the city’s remarkable treasures. A little more than eight million people reside in this city and over eight hundred languages are spoken, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. New York City has always attracted many visitors each year and with its unique ability to cater to the interests of everyone-lovers of art, theater, history, fashion, architecture, nature, food, and music, there is something for all! The fun awaits both on land and on the water!

New York’s City two icons, the Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island are just a few of the most notable places to see. There’s much more: From food tours taking you on a taste of New York City to seeing some of your favorite tv and movie locations, your days fill up in a New York minute. Below are some of the most popular options in 2023 for a fun-filled, action-packed unforgettable trip.


Officiel oplevelse i NYC Downtown - Frihedsgudinden, 9/11 Memorial & Museum og One World Observatory

This special package provides you access to three world-famous attractions. No trip to New York City would be complete without visiting these sights.

Cross paths with Lady Liberty as millions of others have, learning what it represented to those before you. Then step foot on Ellis Island, the ultimate destination for those in pursuit of the American Dream while learning about the history of the city’s iconic symbol of freedom.

To continue stepping through time, visit the moving and heartfelt 9/11 Memorial & Museum, which allows visitors to honor those who lost their lives on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, while learning about the history of the city’s iconic symbol of freedom. Then finish your journey through New York City history atop the One World Observatory, where you can view Manhattan in all its glory 1200 feet high in the sky. The Official NYC Downtown Experience is an unforgettable journey through New York City’s history.

New York City set fra oven

Helikopterture i New York City

Find yourself in a New York State of mind but from above- way above! Helicopter tours can be a ride of a lifetime, and New York City is the perfect place to make those dreams happen.

A NYC Tour from a bird’s eye view shows you sights from a whole beautiful new perspective. The world-famous views of the Manhattan skyline are toured for up to 15 minutes. It’s unique, it’s thrilling, and undeniably breathtaking.

Du har en dramatisk udsigt over Empire State Building og Frihedsgudinden. Panoramabilleder af Central Park, Times Square og finansdistriktet ligger under dig. Manhattan Helicopter Tours er en flyvetur, som intet postkort eller foto kan konkurrere med.


Madture - Greenwich Village i NYC

New York City is famous for its Italian food and there’s no better place than Greenwich Village to find out why. Rich in Italian history and culture the west side is full of Italian heritage sites to discover.There is so much to experience in this city and a food tour will take you below the surface to make you feel like a true insider.

Tag en bid af Big Apple og kombiner mad og historie med en Greenwich Village NYC Food Tour. Det giver dig det bedste fra begge verdener - du får næring til både din hjerne og din mave.

Her blev New Yorks første cappuccino lavet, og du kan nyde og drikke dig vej gennem dette ikoniske område. Smag på italiensk kaffe og autentisk espresso, mens du opdager de historier, der gør dette NYC-kvarter så unikt.

Sample a classic NYC pizza slice, fresh homemade pasta, and visit a historic cafe that you may even recognize from a famous movie! No trip to a cafe is complete without a trip to a donut shop with some out-of-the-box flavors that are a must try, and if you are looking for some international flair, the tour includes a Brazilian bakery and a Lebanese shop. And last but certainly not least, a local craft beer favorite! Did you know that New York City is home to the first American pizzeria? New Yorkers take pizza seriously-very seriously, and you won’t want to miss trying the slice of your life.


Rundvisning på tv- og filmsteder på Manhattan med NBC Studio Tour

Vi har lært at elske New York City gennem den magi, som vores skærme giver den liv lige i vores hjem. Nu kan du gå på gaden og få en chance for at se det hele med egne øjne.

TV & Manhattan Movie Locations Tour med NBC Studio Tour fører dig væk fra de slagne stier til steder, som du måske ikke finder på egen hånd, og du kan se berømte steder fra Breakfast at Tiffany's til de langvarige hits Friends og Seinfeld.

Visit the studio of Saturday Night Live, the long-running show that hilarious skewers American politics and celebrities. And be sure to go on NBC Tours to find out what goes on behind the scenes of America’s hit television shows.

NBC Observation Deck neonskilt om natten


Katakomberne ved stearinlys

Når du har udforsket New York City oppefra, kan du opdage hemmelighederne nedefra.

Katakomberne ved stearinlys-turen, der ligger uden for de fleste turisters radar, tager små grupper med gennem 200 års historie i New York.

Den intime rundvisning bringer dig til krypterne i Basilica of St. Patrick's Cathedral og kirkegårdene. Du kan opleve nygotisk arkitektur og høre lyden af Henry Erben-orgelet, som giver genlyd overalt.

Historien om dem, der ligger indeni, deles, mens historier om præster, familier og biskopper vækkes til live. Det er en alternativ og interessant måde at lære mere om de lag af historie, som New York City rummer.

Sparing you the struggle of getting lost in the concrete jungle, guided NYC tours will take you to where you need to go. While in New York, do what New Yorkers do best; have fun. No city in the world has more or better fun things to do than New York City. Exploring destinations that bring you that New York feeling, will tell you why everyone says, “I love New York!”

Oprindelig dato for indlæggelsen: 16. november 2022