De bedste museer og monumenter at besøge i Washington, DC
Hvis du er en nyhedsjunkie, så forbinder du sandsynligvis Washington D.C. med partipolitik og bureaukrati. Men for kultur- og historieinteresserede er landets hovedstad en
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Hvis du er en nyhedsjunkie, så forbinder du sandsynligvis Washington D.C. med partipolitik og bureaukrati. Men for kultur- og historieinteresserede er landets hovedstad en
Der er mange vigtige mindesmærker og monumenter i Washington, DC, så du bør planlægge din rejse godt, så du ikke går glip af nogen af dem.
Though Washington, DC, doesn’t have an official food, the Council of the District of Columbia declared the humble cherry its official fruit in 2006—and you’re likely not the only one
From bustling neighborhoods to historic parks and museums, Sacramento just might be the Golden State’s hidden gem. Let’s be honest: California is big. So big, in fact, that plenty of
Along with viewing famous Washington, DC, monuments, like the White House, Capitol Hill, the Washington Monument, and the National Mall, catching a glimpse of the politicians that make this town
The White House has welcomed visitors from around the world for decades—some lucky enough to spend the night in the Lincoln bedroom—though it isn’t exactly an open house. An official
A wedding rehearsal dinner is almost as important as your wedding day. During your rehearsal, you’ll be practicing the events for your wedding, ensuring your special day occurs without any
There’s a ton to see and do in the U.S. capital, and the famous yellow Potomac Water Taxi from City Cruises can help you squeeze it all in. A cheap,
Fireworks have been an important part of appreciating America and everything it represents for many years. Occurring during special holidays, focusing on the fourth of July, Washington, D.C., provides some
What’s better than brunch by the water? With the Potomac River winding its way through the heart of Washington, DC, hungry diners have plenty of delicious options, ranging from brunch