State of the Corporate Holiday Party
The sun may still be shining, but you will not want to wait for the holiday season because Corporate Holiday Parties are making a comeback this year! They are going
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The sun may still be shining, but you will not want to wait for the holiday season because Corporate Holiday Parties are making a comeback this year! They are going
The Festival of Sail in San Diego is back for Labor Day weekend! There is something for everyone in the whole family to do at the festival. Three days filled
Special offer! For the months of July, August, and September you will get $1000 off Summer Private Charters in Marina Del Rey and Newport Beach. It is the perfect spot
Party planning for a company event comes with a lot of pressure to create a fun and memorable experience that won’t disappoint. Learn about the Top 5 Party Mistakes to
4th of July is historically known for being the celebration of the United State’s independence from Great Britain, but it is so much more than that. It is a time
Your company party is approved and the budget has been signed-off. But then you realize that the actual costs are exceeding the plan. What are you going to do next?
Vi er beærede over at kunne meddele, at kaptajn Jose Gurganus fra San Diego Havn for nylig blev hædret af det amerikanske Røde Kors med et anerkendelsescertifikat som en "uvurderlig
fra den 28. juni til slutningen af august kan du komme om bord på krydstogtet med fyrværkeri og nyde en varm sommeraften med familie og venner. Den tre timer lange sejltur rundt om San
fredagsaftener er en tid til at skubbe arbejdet til side og slappe af. San Diego Hornblower har den perfekte begivenhed for dig og dine venner til at slappe af. Hver fredag aften
Most people expect company events at a nice hotel or even on the company premises. But having an event on a yacht makes it extra special and memorable. Flip through