Vi ses på Niagara Wedding Show!

Ferien er et af de mest populære tidspunkter for par at forlove sig, og nu, hvor festlighederne er overstået, er det tid til at planlægge jeres store dag! Niagara Spring Wedding Show er den perfekte måde at starte processen på. Men uanset hvornår jeres særlige dag er planlagt, er dette et utroligt show at deltage i. Vi er kendt for at være det største og bedste bryllupsshow i Niagara-regionen og kan ikke vente med at vise de kommende bryllupssæsoners hotteste tendenser frem!

Celebrity Visits to Hornblower Niagara Cruises

Celebrity Visits to Hornblower Niagara Cruises

Since opening in 2014 we’ve had the great pleasure to host many famous and influential guests on our Hornblower Voyage to the Falls boat tour. They found out what all our guests already know, that no trip to Niagara is complete without going #InTheMist with Hornblower! See the full list of celebrities here!

Den nye belysning af Niagaravandfaldene

The New Niagara Falls Illumination!

If you think you’ve seen Niagara Falls lit up at night, trust us, you’ve never seen it like this! December 2016 the Niagara Falls Illumination Board will flip the switch on the biggest upgrade the Niagara Falls Lights have ever seen.

Wedding Trends

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU’RE ENGAGED! It’s a truly incredible time in anyone’s life, but it can be a combination of stress and excitement. We’ve got our top 5 wedding trends of 2017 to help!

Niagara Region Remembrance Day Ceremonies

Niagara Region Remembrance Day Ceremonies

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Canadians and others around the world will stop and remember for two solemn minutes. Some will gather in groups for services, others in school gymnasiums, and others still will simply pause what they are doing, but together we will remember them.