Hvad er det bedste tidspunkt at besøge Niagara Falls på?
The air is warm, but not hot, the water cool but not cold and attractions open, but not crowded. Goldilocks would agree, the fall is “just right” for a trip to Niagara Falls!
Læs blogs om City Experiences-brands og alle de bedste ting at lave med City Experiences! Find sjove ting at lave med City Experiences.
The air is warm, but not hot, the water cool but not cold and attractions open, but not crowded. Goldilocks would agree, the fall is “just right” for a trip to Niagara Falls!
The August Civic Holiday long weekend may mark the halfway point in summer, but there is still lots of time to visit Niagara and get up close and personal with this world wonder.
Findes der en bedre måde at fejre Canada 150 på end ved at tilbringe ferien på landets mest ikoniske besøgssted?
On Sunday May 14th, 2017 every mom deserves to be appreciated and made to feel extra special. Because she is extra special! So take her out for the day in Niagara Falls, Canada and show her how much she means to you.
“As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing.”
– John Muir
The spring is quickly turning into summer and if you’re not yet thinking about your vacation, you should be! Good planning of any vacation is sure to add enjoyment and decrease stress to the trip.
I denne uge bliver vi mindet om, at vi skal passe på vores fantastiske planet ved at fejre både Verdens Vanddag og Earth Hour. Hos Hornblower Niagara Cruises er vi stolte af at deltage i disse dage og arbejder hver dag for at gøre vores planet til et bedre sted med vores Respect Our Planet-initiativ.
The kids are home and you need activities to keep them busy. Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered! A full list of Niagara Falls, Canada activities to plan out your family’s March Break.
Lad den officielle nedtælling begynde! Der er kun 30 dage til, at vi åbner vores 2017-sæson. Den 1. april, hvis vejret tillader det, tager vi vores første gæster i sæsonen med på vores Voyage to the Falls Boat Tour. Vi er så spændte på at starte vores fjerde sæson med sejlads i Niagara Gorge!
Spend this Family Day long weekend in Niagara and you’ll be making memories everyone will share for a lifetime. And with all these great events no one will be bored!