“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”-Emma Lazarus



France gifted the United States an incredible birthday present on July 4, 1884: the Statue of Liberty! She stands over 15 stories high and represents freedom and democracy. Lady Liberty is easily one of the most recognizable figures in the world and each year millions make the journey to experience her history in person and marvel at her presence. No trip to New York City would be complete without seeing this iconic landmark. With her fame comes heavy crowds – week after week. She has no days off so deciding when to visit can be tricky.  

If you plan on making the trip to see her, there are some important things to keep in mind when deciding the best time to go. Each day and each month have advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you are looking for. No matter when you decide to visit, Statue City Cruises will get you there as the ONLY authorized official provider of tickets to the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island recognized by The National Park Service. We will help you narrow down the best season, day of the week, and time of day to visit the Statue of Liberty. 


Embrace the Spirit of Lady Liberty with Statue City Cruises 

Going to the Statue of Liberty is an incredible experience that will provide you with a lifetime of memories when visiting New York City. It is important tonyc selfie with statue of liberty note that visitors who wish to enter the pedestal and explore the crown must secure reservations through Statue City Cruises, the only authorized ticket seller for the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island. The National Park Service has implemented a reservation system for over a decade and recommends making advanced ticket reservations (general admission) eliminating the need to wait in line to purchase tickets. Make sure that you schedule your selection far enough in advance to guarantee you get what you want, because these tickets tend to sell out no matter what time of year.  

If you want to access the Fort Wood section of the pedestal, then purchase a New York Pedestal Reserve ticket. This will give you priority entry into the Screening Facility Queue, which saves you wait time at the departure point. Round trip ferry service to Liberty Island (Statue of Liberty National Monument) and Ellis Island (Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration) is included, as well as an audio tour of Liberty and Ellis Island. For Crown Reserve tickets, round trip ferry service to Liberty and Ellis Islands is also included. You’ll also have access to the Crown of the Statue of Liberty National Monument and the grounds of the islands. Regardless of your ticket purchase, Ellis Island access is included with all options. 


The Best Season to Visit the Statue of Liberty 

If you are flexible with your time, considering what season is the most appealing to visit New York City and the Statue of Liberty can make all the difference. Most of your experience will be outdoors, and the crowds are typically the same, so think about the weather that best suits your preferences. In the winter, the tourism season is slowest, so the lines will be much shorter and the chances of selecting times are less likely to be sold out. There is also a better chance of being in a small group, which would likely benefit everyone with a more intimate tour. The drawback is – it can be really cold! Some days can be mild, but temperatures are low and there may be snow or ice. It can get very windy on the water and the island too, and there are fewer hours of daylight. So, make sure to come prepared for the cold with a warm jacket, hat, and gloves. There is one exception to the fewer crowds. The week between Christmas and New Year is the busiest time of year at the statue.  

Springtime is ideal weather time. The days are sunny and breezy without being too hot. Crowds are slightly lighter than summer or late December. The end of April and the beginning of May are the best times to visit if lighter crowds and warmer weather are what you are looking for. However, it can be rainy at times. Also, check for school closings for spring break, because it will be busy during those times. 

Summertime means more sunlight during the day, and the first ferry leaves earlier than usual. With the warm weather, it’s easy to dress for comfort, but it can get hot! Make sure that you are hydrated and wear sunscreen since you will be outside for hours at a time. Booking in advance, especially during the summer months, is highly recommended. 

The weather in fall is quite pleasant, and crowds thin out a little from the summer. Waiting times are a little shorter and lines move more quickly. Check ferry times as the schedule may change. 


The Best Day of the Week for Your Statue Visit in NYC 

Statue of Liberty at Golden HourNow that you have decided on the season that suits you or your group best, it is time to think about which day of the week you should plan your adventure for. As you would likely expect, weekends are more crowded than weekdays. Travelers and locals visit during weekends too, so it is consistently comparable during any season. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days to visit if you want smaller crowds. Fridays tend to get a little busy with people starting their weekends early, and the same holds true for Mondays with people extending their weekends. 


Rise and Shine for Your Visit with Statue City Cruises 

There’s no way around it. You don’t want to sleep in when trying to stick to an itinerary that includes a tour of the Statue of Liberty. The best time to visit Lady Liberty hands down is first thing in the morning, regardless of the season or the day of the week. The different seasons have different schedules so be sure to check what time the ferry will leave and try to be on that first one if possible. Being on the ferry first means that you will be the first group in the museum, on Ellis Island, and inside the pedestal so this will save you tons of time by avoiding the rush and minimizing crowds. If you snooze before your cruise, you may wait a little longer in line, but that may be a better fit for you if you dislike getting up early. 


Plan Your Monumental Visit to the Statue of Liberty in New York City 

There are benefits to visiting the Statue of Liberty any time of the year. You simply cannot go wrong if you plan accordingly. As one of the most visited attractions in New York City, plan on there being crowds. Aim to get there as early as possible with Statue City Cruises to allow yourself time to see it all;New York Views of the Statue of Liberty especially if you visit both Ellis and Liberty Islands in one day. There are snack bars on the ferries, as well as cafes on both islands. You are welcome to bring food, but coolers are not permitted. When planning your trip to the Statue of Liberty, the most important thing to pack is patience because it is one of the iconic and most popular attractions in New York City, and the United States. Book your tickets in advance, especially if you plan to visit the pedestal or crown areas. Be prepared to be awed as she stands tall symbolizing liberty and freedom as one of America’s beloved sights. For answers to the most frequently asked questions, click here. 



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